URL's mentioned on the Radio and Web Show Connected with Chris Nakea

Notes from the 10 May Web show "Connected Online"

The community Wide Web of Stockton   Parry Aftab's Family Guidebook to the Web, a site full of resources for people who have children who surf.  The cyberangels have a site, they are like the Guardian Angels only they roam the web instead of the streets.  If you have web wise kids, then this might be a good site for them.

Don't forget our good friends, NetNanny.

Notes from the 17 May Web show "Connected Online"

Association of Online Professionals

The conference on the Internet and Our Children, May 30th at the Hotel Olympic Four Seasons in Seattle Washington USA.  Check out our conference sponsors, NetNanny and also Microsoft.

Our guest Jeff Moss, is organizing the DEFCON computer security conference in Las Vegas, NV.

Notes from the 23 May Web show "Connected Online"

 Hear the show!  We have it archived at www.connected-online.com.

Our guest Organization URL Comments
Stan Sorenson Microsoft Exchange Server www.microsoft.com/exchange Discussion of the latest features of MS Exchange 5.5.  We will use exchange at the " Internet and Our Children, conference.
Debbie Mahoney Save Our Children - United Mothers www.soc-um.org  also www.we-can.org. Resources for parents and families seeking to protect their children from the predators of the 'web.
John Cohen Puget Sound Educational district. www.psesd.wednet.edu Resources for teachers and educators developing web based curricula.
Tracy O'Connel Jay Webwise kids www.webwisekids.org Resources for people teaching children how to use the web.

For more information on the "Internet and our children" conference on the 30th, please drop us a note!

Notes from the 7 Jun 1998 Web show "Connected Online"

Bovine Growth Hormone (BGH)

The web site for Jane Akre and Steve Wilson.

The websites for : Fox Corporation , Fox Television , Fox Network News Fox13/Tampa Bay station - WTVT and of course, The Monsanto Corporation.

Hate Watch - a website and an organization dedicated to fighting intolerance

The real HateWatch website. The imatation Hate Watch site, and another URL which goes to the same place, and yet another URL which goes to the same place.

Next week on Connected with Chris Nakea: Universal Service - what is its future?


For comments on this page, please contact Jeff Silverman, the assistant producer for Jet Internet.

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